Troy Kemp will be visiting Breck on Monday, January 29th, 2018.
In collaboration with Breck's Middle and Upper School, Athletic Department, Parents' Association, and US Mentor Program, we are delighted to welcome Troy Kemp, Executive Director of the National Center for the Development of Boys. Read Troy's story HERE.
8:45 AM - Upper School Library - What Does it Mean to be a Man Today: Redefining Masculinity - (All parents welcome)
10:10 AM - Chapel - Upper School Student Body (All parents welcome)
11:30-12:35 - Lunch in the Glass Balcony - All Faculty Discussion: The 10 things you need to know about teaching boys
6:00-7:30 PM - Upper School Dining Hall - Presentation/Discussion with Boys of Color, their Parents, and their Coaches: Defining Yourself in a World that Tries to Define You